A few years ago there were approximately five million people
who were registered to trade stocks on-line1. In April 2000 about 50,000 were day traders3 These numbers are projected to increase
four-fold to more than twenty million households2 and many of them need to make the choice to file
there taxes as an investor
or to file using trader status.
There is no reason why you, as a
qualifying active trader, cannot file as a trader status
taxpayer on your own using readily available tax
preparation software. All it takes is your time and a
good, thorough understanding of the methods used to file
properly as a trader status taxpayer.
How thorough? Find out now, by taking this
quiz, if you
an accountant and this
summary on
hiring a tax pro to
prepare your taxes or not! While trader status concepts are more
complex than anything in the quiz... If you do score well, you
probably have what it takes to do just fine if preparing your own trader status tax return!
Otherwise, please consider using TraderStatus.com
Become your own expert on Trader Status tax filings - order the
TradersTaxPlan™ documentation, instructions and forms...
Click here for Schedule D / Form 4797
But use CAUTION: Tax
Court: "TurboTax" Defense, Still a No-Go
Washington (Nov. 15, 2006) - The
U.S. Tax Court has again rejected a taxpayer’s attempt to pin the blame
for their negligent tax return on tax preparation software
On Nov. 9, the court handed down
an opinion finding against a petition filed in New Jersey by Henry R.
According to court records, the
petitioner blamed defects in his income tax return on software that he
claimed to use in preparing the Form 1040 return. Broderick, who owns a
consulting firm, understated his taxable income by more than $50,000,
leaving him with no tax on his 2002 return. However, the court said the
blame rested with taxpayer negligence -- which includes failure by the
taxpayer to keep adequate books and records or substantiate line items
According to the court, "Such a
program is only an aid for preparation of a return and depends on
careful entry of accurate information, which petitioner manifestly
failed to do. Petitioner admits that he has the education to prepare and
review his income tax return. ... Accordingly, petitioner’s use of
software in preparing his return does not constitute reasonable cause
for the errors in his return."
The court rejected a similar
"TurboTax defense" in February. The full opinion for the Broderick case
is available at
TraderStatusTax Notebook site offers a convenient way to organize
your tax information (other than individual trades) which can then be
forwarded to us to complete and sign your tax return as the CPA
At anytime
during the process of entering your data in our online
service you should become a
client and we can take over your tax file from where you left
off, completing the tax work and signing the original tax returns as your
CPA preparer.

As a securities daytrader you put your expenses on "Schedule C" and a
listing of your trades on Schedule D (if a valid Mark-to-Market election was
made by April 16, 2002 then use form 4797 instead of Schedule D). Answers to many general questions may be obtained via the
site's FAQ listing.
Answers to general common daytrader questions may be obtained via email
once you start your "Schedule C." More detailed information is
available by purchasing our
2002/2003 TradersTaxPlan™ documentation, instructions and forms...
Or you can find blank forms at these web sites:
Tax Forms
IRS Tax Forms, year-by-year
Downloadable IRS
Tax Forms
Tax Forms
Downloadable State
Tax Forms (Yahoo)
Tax Forms (Federation of Tax Administrators)
& State
Tax Forms (TurboTax)
& State
Tax Forms (Zillion Forms)
Canadian Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA)
Tax Forms
Canada information
Links to
Legal Resources and Forms
Bitstream - Tax Case Law Lookup
MegaLaw's Tax Law Page
Links to Employer Payroll Tax Registration
Payroll Taxes
Employment Taxes
Google search for CA
Employment Taxes (simply change the State)
Google search for CA
Business Taxes (simply change the State)
tax rates and tax brackets
IRS FAQ and other information
Viewable Deloitte Tax Guide for 2004/2005
PDF file
Addresses for tax returns
Addresses for tax return (search)
Uncle Fed web site Uncle Fed's
Tax board
NAICS codes (f/k/a SIC Codes) to use on tax returns
NAICS Code Online Search
NAICS codes (f/k/a SIC Codes) to use on tax returns
NAICS Code Online Search
U.S. Census Bureau (NAICS codes) to use on tax returns
NAICS Code Online Search
U.S. City information
The North American Industry Classification System ( NAICS )
has replaced the U.S.
Standard Industrial Classification (
) System Search.
Federal Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
also known as a Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) needed
for many trader entities may be obtained online at
The "provisional EIN" number obtained via this internet link is also
called an I-EIN or a "two-oh number" since all I-EINs are issued in the
format 20-#######, through 2006. Starting in 2007:
26-#######. 27-####### has been used as well.
IRS information on TIN / EIN's:
IRS form SS-4
IRS Instructions for form SS-4
IRS publication 1635 "understanding your EIN"
While do-it-yourselfers are allowed to get their own TIN using IRS
form SS-4 for their
trading entity, we request that our clients and soon-to-be clients let
us do the application for your TIN to avoid any problems or the
raising of "red flags" on your account. You may
legally authorize us to do this by signing a print-out of these linked
and sending to us.
Extensions for filing form 1040 can be obtained by calling
(888) 796-1074 between April 1, 2005 and April 15, 2005. Have a
rough draft of a filled in
form 4868 and your 2004 form 1040 when you call this telephone
number. 2004 is planned to be the last year that the IRS will
offer this option. Do not use this method if you are planning on electing
M2M for 2005, which requires attaching the election statement to form
4868 and mailing both to the IRS via certified mail. You
may not elect M2M using the telephone method.
Where to file your IRS extension request, form 1040 & estimated taxes:
Beginning in 2006 (for 2005 tax returns) for individuals (form 1040)
and for businesses (forms 1065, 1120, 1120S), an automatic six month
extension (form 4868 or form 7004) will be automatically granted by
the IRS.
Where to file your business IRS tax returns:
Where's my refund?
You filed your tax return
and you're expecting a refund? You have just one question and
you want the answer now - Where the heck is my refund?
IRS link:
alternative IRS & State link:
IRS refund schedule for e-filed tax returns:
Tax rates / tax tables:
Note, effective with the 2005 form 1040, the IRS said that they no longer accept
program print-outs on blank paper, rather they must be properly
formatted and printed on IRS Schedule D-1. (This requirement was
retracted in January 2006). See below for some of the automated "Trade Matching" or "Schedule D" programs available from
other web sites
(some of these may also offer free demo or lower priced versions for a
restricted number of transactions):
Note, effective with 2008,
brokers are required to submit form 1099-B no later than later than
February 15th of the following calendar year.
(the prior law was January 31st)
(Pub. L. 110-343, Div. B,
§403(a)(3), amended subsec. (b) of IRC §6045)
effective with 2011, securities brokers are required to do the
trade-matching and provide the gain/loss report to the customer no
later than February 15th of the following calendar year. (Pub.
L. 110-343, Div. B, §403(a)(2), added subsec. (g) to IRC §6045).
To better comply with this new requirement, IRC §6045 §6045A & §6045B
cover special new rules for the reporting of options*,
wash sales, "versus purchase" or VSP sales,
transfers of securities into broker accounts, and corporate actions such as stock
splits and spin offs.
Kluwer Financial Services Cost Basis Reporting Resource Center
New form 1099-B reports to the IRS your
wash sales and your FIFO taxable gain/loss for each sale made.
Proposed instructions to securities brokers were issued on 12/17/2009
* As of November 2008 IR Regs §1.6045-1(a)(3)(vi) remains
unchanged: "[The term "security" means:] An interest in a security
described in paragraph (a)(3) (i) or (iv) (but
not including options or executory contracts that
require delivery of such type of security)." and Regs §1.6045-1(a)(9) remains
unchanged "[The term "sale" does not include
grants or purchases of options,
exercises of call options, or entering into contracts that require
delivery of personal property or an interest therein."
Meaning - that taxpayers may need to continue to do their own trade
matching when it comes to their options trading.
FREE gain/loss tracking service
Now available to TD Ameritrade Apex clients, this free service powered by
GainsKeeper® provides cost basis and capital gains calculations
for transactions in
TD Ameritrade Apex accounts. Realized gain/loss reporting can help you complete your Schedule D or
Form 4797. Apex accounts will be able to access this service from the
Balance and Positions page. Reports can be run with or without
Wash Sales. A separate open positions Mark-to-Market
report can be run for any applicable date. Positions and market values
are updated nightly. Also download the
report as a spreadsheet *.xls.
Optional: Send us a "link accounts" invite via your Ameritrade
account to access your records directly (then unlink a few days later
once the data has been reviewed). Go to [Home] or to [Portfolio & Accounts]
then [My Profile] then [Link Accounts] then [Send A
Link Request] then input the user ID which we will give to you
upon request. Once we are completed, you go through the same
procedure again, except select the user ID and click [Unlink
FREE gain/loss tracking service
Now available to
Think or Swim
clients, after being acquired by TD Ameritrade,
the web based
GainsKeeper® service is on-line
for 2009.
FREE gain/loss tracking service
Now available to
Banc of America
Investment Services
clients, this free service provides cost basis and capital
gains calculations.
Realized gain/loss reporting can help you complete your Schedule D or
Form 4797. Select Year-to-Date Tax, then select the Tax Year.
Print/save this summary page to a PDF or to paper. Then
select Tax Documents, click the Brokerage 1099 and save this to your
computer, preferably as a PDF (with a little work this can be
directly saved as a PDF). Again select Year-to-Date Tax,
then select the Tax Year. Click Cost Basis Information then
select the Closed Positions tab, select the tax year, then click
Download, then Open with Excel and save the file. Again select
Year-to-Date Tax, then select the Tax Year. then click each
[Details] item and save the results (this feature can be buggy).
Note: do not use the download into Turbo Tax option, the gain/loss
data is error prone and first needs to be reviewed in Excel.
- FREE gain/loss tracking service
Now available to
Interactive Brokers
clients, this free service provides cost basis and capital
gains calculations.
Realized gain/loss reporting can help you complete your Schedule D or
Form 4797. Select Report Management (Account Management), then select Tax Forms and
go to Schedule D Gain/Loss Summary Worksheet. Open, View and then
Save both a PDF and a MS Excel file. Note: do not save the
Excel as the default HTML/Web, but save it as a spreadsheet *.xls.
Then (2) view and print (or save) the Form 1099; (3) view and
save the IRC Section 1256 Gain/Loss Summary Worksheet as both a PDF
and an MS Excel file, and (4) view and save Dividend Report
(Schedule B) as an MS Excel file. (5) Then go back and Select
Report Management, then select Activity Statements and view and save
the Yearly report.
New for 2009:
The IB Schedule D has inexplicably begun computing Wash Sales
thereby making
the report virtually worthless for M2M Traders as well as any Investor
with multiple brokerage accounts - Therefore, the gain/loss needs to
be done manually. Select Activity Statements, then
Full Default Template, Calendar Year 2009, PDF format. View
and then Save the PDF.
1) Go to M2M Performance Summary and take the total gain/loss Stocks
+ the total gain/loss Equity and Index Options to use on Schedule D
or Form 4797.
2) take the total gain/loss Futures + the total gain/loss Options on
Futures to use on Form 6781
3) Go to the last page of the M2M Performance Summary to prove out
the above and to get net margin interest and deductible fees
4) Go to Cash Report for FOREX or Cash FX Translation gain/loss.
5) Finally, prove out the ending cash by adding the above to the
Starting Cash.
- FREE gain/loss tracking service
Now available to
clients, this free service provides cost basis and capital
gains calculations.
Realized gain/loss reporting can help you complete your Schedule D or
Form 4797. Select Portfolio, then select Gains and Losses (4th
tab from the left), Change the start date and end date to "01/01/200X
To 12/31/200X." View and then
Save as a MS Excel file.
FREE gain/loss reporting service
Now available to Penson Worldwide
clients, this free service provides cost basis and capital
gains calculations. Many retail brokerages use Penson for their
back office support.
Simply request their "P & L Statement" from "01/01/200X To
12/31/200X." This is provided as a PDF of matched trades
and any unmatched trades are gatherer in the last pages of the report.
This report works out best for active traders who end every year with
no open positions, flat, all cash.
FREE gain/loss reporting service
Now available to
Charles Schwab
clients, this free service provides cost basis and capital
gains calculations. Realized
gain/loss reporting can help you complete your Schedule D or Form
4797. Select Account, then select Gain/Loss and go to to the
realized Gain/Loss report (Schedule D). Select the appropriate
dates, then select Expand All Accounts and then select Export.
Also select Account, then select History select (Beyond 24 months).
Select Statements select Tax Forms then Search for
Documents and select Year End Gain Loss Reporting 200x and save the
PDF. Also select 12/31/0x Brokerage Statement and save the
PDF. Alternatively: Select Account, then select History and go to the Realized Gain/Loss report, then select previous calendar year - look at the beige band at the top of the page, click "export" > a pop-up window appears, click "OK"
Transaction downloading
Now available to
TradeStation Securities
clients, in three month blocks of data (or other date range),
this service provides details on transactions cost basis. Select
Account Services, Balances, Positions & Activity and click Tax
Activity. Separately download long transactions into Excel or
into one of the optional trade matching programs. Then separately
download short transactions. Note: do not
forget to go back and download all data, three months at a time, then
combine the four long transaction downloads into one spreadsheet *.xls.
Similarly combine the four short transition downloads into one spreadsheet *.xls
Separately download year-end statements and 1099's under Account
Services, Confirmations, Statements & 1099s.
FREE gain/loss reporting service
Now available to certain other
TradeStation Securities
clients, this free service provides cost basis and capital
gains calculations. Realized
gain/loss reporting can help you complete your Schedule D or Form
4797. Select Download Manager, then under Download Criteria select
Holdings - Realized Gain/Loss for Prior Year and export to Excel
Format. Then to get year-end open positions download the report again
for YTD and then select Holdings - Unrealized Gain/Loss (Expanded). Note:
verify that all data was downloaded, since the "claimed" maximum
download is 1,000 records at a time.
Separately download year-end statements and 1099's under Documents,
then Statements / Tax Docs.
Transaction downloading
Now available to
clients, for only the most recent 90 days and only as a download into
Quicken or MS Money. Some people believe that this data is
filled with errors due to Fidelity's continual, retro-active changes
made for wash sales adjustments.
From the Fidelity
Q. Are
there any instances in which Fidelity data varies from the manner
in which it is displayed by Fidelity?
A. Yes. Some
transaction types do not appear in the information displayed once you
download your account. You can always refer to your account on
Fidelity.com or your regular account statements for an accurate
representation of your account history.
Alternatively, selecting History allows screen views of the last 18
months of transactions which are displayed no more than 90 days at a
time. This would require 5 screen shots for a full calendar year and
this would need to be done no later than June of the following year.
MYcapitalGAIN - online usage
and eliminate wash sells before tax year ends"
$0.00 (free)
inginet's TradePair -
download program
transactions from Interactive Brokers stmts to Sch D"
$0.00 (free)
AmericanWare's TradeKeeper -
download program
"Create IRS
Schedule D with or without Wash Sale computations"
$0.00 (free) to $50
KBH Applications - download shareware program
profit/loss accounting" $12
Sapphire Bay's TradeMatcher - download program
"Helps you prepare
the set of matched trades for Schedule D" $34.95
Sapphire Bay's TradeMatcher
"They will do
as a service on your data - price per account:" $34.95
Track Your Trades - download program
"Generate your
own Schedule D!" $39.95
Sync Essentials™ Trade AccountanT™ - download program
organize and report transactions" $49.95
Simply Track - download program
"Schedule D-1
Generation" $49.99
Simply Track
"They will do
as a service on your data - price per account:" $49.99
NEST TMT - Schedule D Generator
your trades and generate a schedule D"
StockTax - online
does not process Wash Sales"
$30 to $165
Wash Sale Schedule D Generator - downloaded
your own Schedule D using this software" $45 & $55
Wash Sale Schedule D Generator - downloaded
your own Schedule D using this software" $45 & $55
Portfolio Gains and Option Money -
download program but needs online verification
data direct from many brokers" $145 & $345
Schedule D Tools - download program
enter trades throughout the year or import QIF file" $189
Track Your Trades® - download program
trades and generate your own Schedule D / 4797" $199
CCH's GainsKeeper
GainsTracker - online usage by subscription
within the last 31 days view - to avoid trading into wash
$49 and up
20% discount offer
TradeLog -
downloaded program,
a current IRS schedule D"
$95 to $345
Gain and Loss.com -
full in-house service,
a current IRS schedule D"
$34.95 to $499.95
CCH's BasisPro - online usage by subscription
helps you quickly track and calculate cost basis"
Captools portfolio management,
customized reporting"
$1999.00 to $5000.00
Many on-line
investors and on-line traders filing as trader status are
doing their own tax returns right now. Taxpayers who
qualify as a trader for tax purposes, using annually
updated software, can save hundreds and even thousands in
professional tax preparation fees each year.
When a taxpayer is audited by the IRS, CPAs generally bill additional
on an hourly basis. Having done your own return and representing
yourself in front of an IRS auditor can sometimes be imposing, but if
you are well prepared it can save you these professional fees as well.
Optionally taxpayer who prepare their own tax returns can retain a CPA
firm to represent them if the IRS auditor comes to them with
questions. For most taxpayers this is the best way to go...
before replying to an IRS letter or make any contact with the IRS. Fill in
2848 ) as best you can and get it to your tax
advisor/representative rather than communicating with the IRS directly.
Protection Insurance will cover some or all of the costs of
CPA representation for your 2002 form 1040 using myself,
or most any CPA of your choosing. This new coverage may even
insure you against the taxes assessed and the interest
charged as a result of the audit,
and that's even if the errors were admittedly due to your own mistakes!
We hope that you
find using the information found on this site and our
newsletter to be an invaluable
starting point. Of course this information is only for
discussion purposes and some of the positions discussed
are sophisticated and/or aggressive. Other positions are
basic and conservative. As such, taxpayers may utilize
the information contained therein only at their own risk.
Even though thousands of traders file on their own, we
must make this statement: "All taxpayers are advised
that they should not rely on the information found on
this site and our email and newsletters, but should
retain the guidance of appropriate competent
counsel familiar with their own unique situations."
Beware of the "wash
sale" rule and generally of all the
tax advice found on the internet - such as the examples in our: Tax-
advice Hall of Shame
Make sure to sign up for our
free email newsletter to keep yourself informed of trader
status issues.
Other links that may be
More personalized, full-service trade tracking is available:
Administrative Services, LLC offers time- and money-saving trade
capital gains calculations, and administrative services to busy
trading professionals.
Various Payroll
and Tax Links for the US States
Form W-2
2004 state unemployment wage
bases announced:
- Alabama . . . . . .
. . . . . . $8,000
- Alaska . . . . . .
. . . . . . . $27,100*
- Arizona . . . . . .
. . . . . . . $7,000
- Arkansas . . . . .
. . . . . . $10,000*
- California . . . .
. . . . . . . . $7,000
- Colorado . . . . .
. . . . . . . $10,000
- Connecticut . . . .
. . . . . $15,000
- Florida . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . $7,000
- Illinois . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .$10,000*
- Iowa . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . $19,700*
- Massachusetts . . .
. . . $14,000*
- Michigan. . . . . .
. . . . . . . $9,000
- Minnesota . . . . .
. . . . . .$22,000
- Mississippi . . . .
. .. . . . . $7,000
- Missouri . . . . .
. . . . . . . .$8,000*
- Montana. . . . . .
. . . . . . $20,300*
- Nebraska . . . . .
. . . . . . . .$7,000
- New Hampshire . . .
. . . . $8,000
- New Jersey . . . .
. . . . . . $24,300*
- New Mexico . . . .
. . . . . $16,800*
- North Carolina . .
. . . . . .$16,600*
- North Dakota . . .
. . . . . .$18,500*
- Ohio . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . $9,000
- Oklahoma . . . . .
. . . . . . .$14,300*
- Oregon . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .$27,000*
- Pennsylvania . . .
. . . . . . .$8,000
- Rhode Island . . .
. . . . . . $14,000*
- South Carolina . .
. . . . . . $7,000
- South Dakota . . .
. . . . . . $7,000
- Tennessee . . . . .
. . . . . . .$7,000
- Texas . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .$9,000
- Washington . . . .
.. . . . . $30,200*
- West Virginia . . .
. . . . . . $8,000
- Wisconsin . . . . .
. . . . . . $10,500
- Wyoming . . . . . .
. . . . . .$15,900*
* Taxable
wage base increase
Click here for Salary.com's
details of each State's UC taxation policies