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e-file, paper and PDF Tax Return Preparation |
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Completed federal and state income tax returns can be delivered to you and filed in various ways. Draft copy: Before finalizing your tax returns, we are happy to email a draft via PDF file to you for review. Please send your email address via this e-file: Timely filed tax returns can generally be e-filed to the IRS for personal 1040's and for business income tax returns. Additionally many of the states accept e-file for personal returns. Actually, several states are now "requiring" the e-filing of their tax income returns. A few of the states have business tax return e-filing available. Some income tax returns are not good candidates for e-file, such as those with attachments including lengthy lists of "Schedule D" or "form 4797" transactions. Your copy of the tax returns can be sent to you via U.S. Mail or if you prefer a PDF file can be emailed to you. (please make several backup copies) Additional fees can be assessed for e-filing IRS and separately for each State. Occasionally additional fees can be assessed by the States for paper filing. PDF files: Many income tax returns can be filed by emailing to you a collated "print ready" PDF file. Then using your laser-quality printer you can print, review, sign and mail the paper tax return to the IRS. This method offers you speedier delivery of the completed tax returns to you in a nice PDF file that you can archive and email out as needed to your banker, lawyer, and so on. (much easier than photocopying that old "dog-eared" paper copy) The IRS and most of the states have approved of this form of delivery to taxpayer and they now accept a printed out PDF file with the preparer's typed name in lieu of an actual preparer's signature. A separate PDF file is sent as "your copy," which includes your instruction letter and other additional information that is not included with the IRS filing copy. (please make several backup copies) Paper copies: Of course, paper returns are still available to be mailed to you; assembled and ready for your signature and mailing to the IRS and to the state(s). Multiple copies: Due to numerous requests, we are now also making available an additional copy of most tax returns for a reasonable, additional processing fee (example: $50 for one business tax return along with one extra personal tax return) when requested before the tax returns are completed and billed. Afterwards archival backup copies can be requested, if desired. Archive backup copies: As discussed above, at the time that your tax return is first completed, we provide a full, complete copy of all income tax returns. Please safeguard your copies (don't ever leave your original's with a banker) and make numerous backups of any PDF files. Due to ever mounting numbers of requests, we are now also making available additional copies of archived copies of most tax returns and schedule K-1's. A reasonable fee will be charged for each K-1 (starting at $25 each), or each tax return (starting at $75 each and up) for which you would like an email with a PDF file created from backup archives. Paper copies or PDF's burned to disc can also be created from archives for an additional reasonable fee to cover the additional costs for the handling, printing and postage involved. Faxed copies and FedEx'd copies can also be arranged for an additional fee. Order Here
Tax Deduction Reminder ![]() Your fees may be tax deductible as an investment expense under IRS Sections 67 and 212 as an Investor to the extent that miscellaneous itemized deductions exceed 2% of your adjusted gross income. Alternatively they are fully tax deductible under Trader Status as a business expense by most corporations and trade or businesses under Section 162 of the IRS Code. IRS Notice 2004-54 Alternative Methods of Signing for Income Tax Return Preparers I. PURPOSE This notice provides that the Internal Revenue Service will permit income tax return preparers to sign original returns, amended returns, or requests for filing extensions by rubber stamp, mechanical device, or computer software program. II. BACKGROUND Section 6061 of the Internal Revenue Code generally provides that any tax return, statement, or other document shall be signed in accordance with forms or regulations prescribed by the Secretary. Section 6695(b) imposes a monetary penalty on income tax return preparers who fail to sign a return. Treas. Reg. § 1.6695-1T(b) requires an income tax return preparer to sign a return after it is completed and before the return is presented to the taxpayer for signature. III. REQUIREMENTS FOR USE OF ALTERNATIVE METHODS OF SIGNING This notice authorizes income tax return preparers to sign original returns, amended returns, and requests for filing extensions by means of a rubber stamp, mechanical device, or computer software program. These alternative methods of signing must include either a facsimile of the individual preparer’s signature or the individual preparer’s printed name. Income tax return preparers utilizing one of these alternative means are personally responsible for affixing their signatures to returns or requests for extension. Income tax return preparers who use alternative methods of signing must provide all of the other preparer information that is required on returns and extensions, such as the name, address, relevant employer identification number, the preparer’s individual identification number (social security number or preparer tax identification number), and phone number. This notice applies only to income tax return preparers as defined by Treas. Reg. § 301.7701-15(a) and does not alter the signature requirements for any other type of document currently required to be manually signed, such as elections, applications for changes in accounting method, powers of attorney, or consent forms. In addition, this notice does not alter the requirement that tax returns or requests for filing extensions be signed by the person (i.e., the taxpayer) making the return or the request by handwritten signature or other authorized means. IV. EFFECTIVE DATE This notice applies to any original return, amended return, or request for filing extension filed on or after January 1, 2004. DRAFTING INFORMATION The principal author of this notice is Richard Charles Grosenick of the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Procedure and Administration). For further information regarding this notice, contact Richard Charles Grosenick at (202) 622–7950 (not a toll-free call). Facsimile Signatures Allowed for Some Employment Tax Return The Internal Revenue Service has issued new rules allowing corporate officers or duly authorized agents to sign employment tax forms by facsimile, including alternative signature methods such as computer software programs or mechanical devices. The IRS issued Revenue Procedure 2005-39 to clarify new rules for allowing corporate officers or duly authorized representatives to sign employment tax forms by facsimile or other allowable automated means. The new procedure will reduce the burden in filing employment tax returns because it will make filing employment taxes simpler, and reduce the number of returns the IRS rejects due to signature issues. Rev. Proc. 2005-39 applies to the following forms: Any form in the 940 series, including Form 940, Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment Tax Return (FUTA); Form 941, Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return; Form 943, Employers Annual Federal Tax Return for Agricultural Employees; and Form 945, Annual Return of Withholding Federal Income Tax; Form 1042, Annual Withholding Tax Return for U.S. Source Income of Foreign Persons; Form 8027, Employer’s Annual Information Return of Tip Income and Allocated Tips; Form CT-1, Employer’s Annual Railroad Retirement Tax Return; and Any variant of these forms, such as Form 941c, Statement to Correct Information; Form 941-SS, Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return. |
Last updated:
April 15, 2008 TraderStatus™, TradersTaxPlan™, TradersAdvantage™, TraderStatus.com™, TradersTaxPlan.com™, TradersAdvantage.com™, DoYourOwnDaytraderTaxes™, DoYourOwnTaxes™, DoingYourOwnTaxes™, DoYourOwnDaytraderTaxes.com™, DoYourOwnTaxes.com™, DoingYourOwnTaxes.com™, DoYourTaxesOnline™, DoYourOwnTaxesOnline™, DoYourTaxesOnline.com™, and DoYourOwnTaxesOnline.com™ are trademarks and service marks of Colin M. Cody, CPA and TraderStatus.com, LLC, Trumbull Connecticut Copyright© 2006 Colin M. Cody, CPA and TraderStatus.com, LLC, All Rights Reserved |